Daily Prompt Lifestyle

Daily Writing Prompt: Remember Why You Started

What have you been putting off doing? Why?

My short answer – everything! ๐Ÿ˜

Let’s be real for a moment – we’ve all been there, right? The constant struggle to kick-start that project or finally get moving on those grand plans you’ve had for ages. Trust me, you’re not alone in this, and I’m right there with you.

Over the past year, I’ve found myself putting off pretty much everything – from growing my blog and social media presence to consistently pursuing my creative passions like sewing, knitting, and writing two novels that I know are hidden within me. It’s frustrating, and it’s left me questioning why I’ve been in this never-ending cycle of procrastination.

Fear of rejection, perhaps? It’s a common culprit. The thought of putting my work out there and facing the possibility of criticism can be paralyzing. But here’s the kicker – fear of rejection is something we’ve all got to conquer to move forward. It’s a hurdle that we can only leap over by taking that first step.

However, there’s another beast that’s been holding me back – physical and mental exhaustion. The past few years have been draining, and I’ve often found myself doing the bare minimum just to get by. It’s no surprise that finding motivation becomes an even more challenging task when you’re running on empty.

But you know what I’ve discovered? Deadlines. Yes, those looming, somewhat terrifying dates on the calendar. Whenever someone gives me a deadline, I somehow manage to knock those tasks out. Why? Because there’s a sense of urgency, a push, and a goal. So, I decided to create my own deadlines.

To light a new fire under my blogging ambitions, I’ve decided to try the WordPress daily writing prompt challenge. It’s a small step, but I’m on day two, and it’s been surprisingly motivating. Baby steps, right? Sometimes that’s all it takes to kick-start the engine.

It’s never too late to break free from the chains of procrastination. We just need to find what works for us. Whether it’s setting our own deadlines, starting with small daily goals, or seeking support from a community of like-minded individuals, the journey to conquering procrastination is personal and unique to each of us.

So, here’s to the journey of overcoming procrastination and embracing the boundless potential within us. Together, we can turn those grand plans and great intentions into reality. Cheers to day two of my writing challenge, and let’s see where it leads!

Stay tuned for updates on my progress, and maybe, just maybe, we can inspire each other to finally start moving.


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